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Abominations of Yondo – Clandestine

ClandestineClandestine, the third album by Abominations of Yondo, follows swiftly after the release of its precursor, That Remote and Awful Twilight, but reveals very different aspects of this duo’s explorations of mysterious realms.

From the vibrant opening of ‘A Million Mouths at Dawn’, through the growing danger of ‘The Airborne Plague’ to the comforting sojourn ‘At Home with Drax Plunkett’, the album unfolds an ever-changing set of moods to fuel the listener’s imagination.

Abominations of Yondo was a collaboration between Cousin Silas and Kevin Busby (of Carya Amara). The first two albums, Abominations of Yondo and That Remote and Awful Twilight, are still available.

Get Clandestine

(The CD edition is no longer available).


“Great new release” – Nightscaping, Stillstream Radio
“Well worth seeking out” – Brumcast

Track listing

  1. A Million Mouths at Dawn
  2. Hlo-Hlo Goes Hunting
  3. Deep Thoughts
  4. Bases and Borders
  5. Clandestine
  6. Dead Cable Communications
  7. The Airborne Plague
  8. Murdered City
  9. At Home with Drax Plunkett

Total playing time: 48 minutes.

Artwork for the CD edition (no longer available)

The cover photographs for the CD depict Castle Dunsany, the ancestral home of one of the literary inspirations for this collection, fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, otherwise known as Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett.

Earthrid-015 cover art

Earthrid-015 cover art

Earthrid-015 CD tray

Release Dates

This album was released on 13th August 2012 on CDR (CDR no longer available from 28th July 2018).

Also released on 13th August 2012 as an MP3 download from

Released in November 2015 on Bandcamp in a variety of formats.